Monkey see, monkey do: Unleashing the power of collective consciousness

Episode #7

Here’s a riddle for you.  What do Diana Ross, nuclear fission and sand-covered sweet potatoes have to do with each other?  Well, everything.  Of course, everything is connected.  But Diana Ross, nuclear fission and sand-covered sweet potatoes are more closely connected than you might imagine.  

How many people do you think it takes to change the world?  Just one.  And, from a scientific perspective, that one person is probably the one hundredth one. 

Join Jenny Wilson, Travel Guide for the Soul, as she explores the 100th Monkey Effect and discovers the connection between the word 'Evolve' and the Oscars.

To receive more golden nuggets about how to harness the magic of words, sign up for my newsletter and receive my free eBook - "The Hidden Language of Colour" at  Click the free-stuff link. 

#powerofwords #collectiveconsciousness #transform