What if ...? The transformative power of these two words and how they can change our reality.

Episode #9

There are two words that throughout human history have had the power to transform our reality.  “What if …?”   These are the words of inventors, of writers and artists, of entrepreneurs, and anybody else with the capacity to imagine a different way of doing things. 

By applying these two words to any situation, we have the ability to reframe things and see things in differently.  Seeing things differently, from other perspectives, helps us gain clarity.

Join Jenny Wilson, Travel Guide for the Soul, on an exploration of the magic of words and the power of language.

To receive more golden nuggets about how to harness the magic of words, sign up for my newsletter and receive my free eBook - "The Hidden Language of Colour".  My website is www.iamjennywilson.com.  Click the free-stuff link.