How to carve your own path

Episode #15

Imagine planning a great adventure to a place full of experiences beyond your wildest dreams, where you can learn everything you need to move forward.  Do you: 

1. Hide under the covers and think “Maybe another time, when I’m properly ready and have everything arranged. Things are a bit complicated at the moment, and I’m quite happy here"?


2. you get up, get yourself ready, take a deep breath and step out of the door?

If you’re in the second camp, then you’re in the right place because that means you are a soul adventurer.

This week: How to carve your own path.

Join Jenny Wilson as she navigates the challenges of finding your way and retells the Japanese folktale of 'The story of the stonecutter'.

Whether you're a seasoned adventurer or a curious soul seeking inspiration, this episode offers practical wisdom and uplifting encouragement to help you thrive wherever life plants you.  And all in the time it takes for you to breathe, reboot, and have a cup of tea.