The You 2.0 Project: Debug your life, One Fix at a Time
Nov 14, 2024
“It’s not a bug; it’s a feature.” (software development meme)
A long time ago, for my first graduate job, I did a lot of programming. My children find this hilarious because they’re constantly showing me how to find things on my phone, or how to navigate YouTube or record something on TV. Now, I still do a lot of programming. So do you. Even if you have absolutely no interest in technology or computers.
The computer did exactly what I programmed it to do. When something didn’t result in what I expected, usually one little coding tweak was all it took to get everything back on track and flowing beautifully. And our subconscious mind responds in the same way.
Life, much like programming, is about establishing clear conditions, navigating through loops and patterns and making decisions based on what outcome you wish to manifest.
A do ... while loop is a statement that runs a block of code at least once and then continues running it for as long as a certain thing or condition is true. You can use this to start a habit – something that you can do while something else is happening. For example: "Do leg squats while waiting for your kettle to boil."
The for loop on the other hand, runs a certain number of times. Repeating an action a certain number of times helps tackle tasks efficiently. For example, you could set the alarm on your phone for 15 minutes and clear out a messy drawer or empty your handbag, and really focus only on that thing until the alarm goes off.
Debugging is the process of identifying and fixing issues in code. In life, we often need to "debug" ourselves - reflecting on our habits, identifying what's not working and finding solutions. If something isn’t working the way you want it to, identify the 'bugs.' Are you trying to do too much? Are distractions getting in the way?
If something doesn’t work out how you want it to, you can spend months on end bashing away and trying to make a square peg fit a round hole, or you can reframe the ‘bug’ as a feature. I love this way of thinking. It’s really helped me out of many tight spots. And usually, once it becomes a feature, it’s not so frightening or irritating. You can look at it dispassionately. It doesn’t become an insurmountable problem. It can be a riddle. An intriguing curiosity.
Code often goes through many “versions” as it evolves and improves. Similarly, we all go through different “versions” as we grow. You’re not the same person now as you were this time last year, for example. All of the experiences you’ve had, the lessons you’ve learned, the decisions you’ve made have led you to be the person you are right here and now. We’re not expected to get everything right the first time. Life is an iterative process. Past “versions” of you served you in your own way. When we realise this, we can be a lot more compassionate towards ourselves. There’s no need to berate ourselves for the decisions we’ve taken or the mistakes we’ve made. These are all part of the process that go towards building You 2.0.
Daily debugging means that you’re more likely to find things that are easier to fix, rather than saving everything up and trying to unpick a big tangle of mess later down the line. So at the end of the day, spend a few minutes to reflect on what didn’t work out how you hoped and plan a small fix for tomorrow. Don’t dwell too much on the negative but acknowledge it and give thanks for the lesson it’s allowed you to learn. Tiny tweaks all add up.