How to Make Confident Decisions and the power of “Heck, yes!”
Nov 06, 2024
“Action cures fear. Indecision, postponement, on the other hand, fertilizes fear.”
(David Joseph Schwartz)
Do you ever find yourself paralyzed by indecision? Or worse, you make a choice but then waste a great deal of time agonising over the what-ifs and possibilities of the other options you could have chosen? If so, you’re in good company. Decisions are tough, especially when we’re faced with so many options every day. I used to be the Queen of Indecision. Until, that is, I discovered three ways that have helped me cut through the faff and make decisions without regret.
The first technique is the release approach. Did you know the word ‘decide’ comes from the Latin decidere meaning "to cut off"? Every decision we make involves releasing other possibilities, but rather than feeling like a loss, it can actually be freeing. Deciding allows us to focus fully on one path instead of worrying about "what ifs."
The second is the simplify approach. Limit your daily decisions by simplifying your routine wherever possible. We face a constant stream of choices from the moment we wake up, which can lead to “decision fatigue.” So plan meals in advance, set out clothes the night before and create little routines to free your mind. By reducing small daily choices, you save mental energy for decisions that matter.
The third technique is my favourite. I call it the “Heck Yes!” test. If you’re floundering over something, which ask yourself: would I say “Heck Yes!” to this option? If it isn’t a heck yes, then it’s most probably a no. This simple approach gets right to the core of what makes you you. It keeps your choices aligned with your core values, freeing up time and energy for things you’re truly excited about.
The important thing is to choose action over indecision. Indecision breeds stress and anxiety, while action can reduce fear. Embrace decisions as opportunities to move forward, even if they’re imperfect. Each decision leads to growth, new experiences and the freedom of knowing you’re not stuck.
So “heck yes” your way forward in the direction of your choice with your own internal cheerleader backing you all the way.